Silverfen Web Design

About Silverfen

The origins of Silverfen were in the marrying of computing and high-quality typography which revolutionised design for print in the late 1980s.

The combination of strong computing and typographic skills fitted naturally with web design when the world wide web first began to gain wide use. That included some very mainstream web design projects, and more unusual things like involvement in early attempts to render Arabic on websites.

The combination of strong design, typographic, computing and writing skills remains at the heart of what we do. Our portfolio shows a wide range of designs, achieved in a standards-compliant way, making effective use of cascading style sheets and javascript as necessary. Half an eye on what can be done with conventional print, or with a paint brush, also encourages innovation: pushing beyond the conventional to web sites that communicate.

How a web site will look to search engines isn’t the most obvious part of the appearance of a site, but we design in a way that works well with search engines, so that they can be found easily.

Ledger Live interface provides a user-friendly way to manage your crypto portfolio, with features like real-time balance updates, price charts, and staking.